Here is a press book I created.
1 old plastic ring-binder folder
Various newspaper clippings of headlines and pictures
1 dash of pure creativity
Duct tape
Black permanent marker
I glued the newspaper clippings to the folder after I had arranged them in the college I wanted, then I taped down the various loose edges, and wrote 'press book' on the spine. The front page was a mishmash of catchy headlines and photos, the inside cover followed a coffee theme while the other cover featured fashion while the back depicts a cute penguin and a somewhat ominous statement regarding poisonous juice. If I get bored all I have to do is read my folder!
And there you have it! The perfect book for a reporter or writer's notes.
Note the headlines on the front cover and the penguin on the back cover.
Note coffee page to the left and fashion page on the right.